Lines: A Half-Century of Yacht Designs by Sparkman & Stephens, 1930–1980, by Olin J. Stephens II

A Half-Century of Yacht Designs by Sparkman & Stephens, 1930–1980

Olin J. Stephens II, preface by A. Knight Coolidge
David R. Godine, Publisher

The first really big book I ever designed, in terms of both its size and its importance for all involved. I’d originally expected to design only the prospectus, but that came out so well that David Godine decided to trust me with the whole project. Thames Printing in New London did a bang-up job of printing the very difficult illustrations on a special making of Monadnock Dulcet paper. My first limited edition, and now something of a rarity on the market.

Hardcover with jacket, 13 × 11", 1250 copies plus a limited edition of 125 signed copies, specially bound and slipcased
