Heroes of Horticulture:
Americans Who Transformed the Landscape
by Barbara Paul Robinson
David R. Godine, Publisher
For some reason, designers – even designers well known to the publishers who hire them – tend to become pigeonholed according to the sorts of books they’ve done in the past. When Barbara Robinson brought in her biography of Rosemary Verey, the great English gardener, I had to fight for the book. The arguments against my getting the assignment were that I had never done a gardening book of any sort, and (worse) I was not a gardener myself. A quick round of specimen pages proved that I was up to the task, and the book was mine. Happily, when Robinson delivered the manuscript for this collection of profiles of prominent American gardeners, no such tactic was necessary. I wanted the typography to be contemporary, but not fussy, and so chose Scala for the text, with E. R. Weiss’s Eva Antiqua for the titles. My own lightly edited version of Anna Simons’s Ballé Initials provides a touch of decoration.
Hardcover with jacket, 7 × 10"